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Dyslexia in Children

Swiftnlift Business Magazine

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Dyslexia cognitive disabilityis a learning disability in both children and adults where reading and writing skills are affected. A person with dyslexia has difficulty with reading, writing, letters, words, and numbers, and reversing letters and words. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke definition describes dyslexia as “difficulty with spelling, phonological processing (handling sounds), or rapid visual-verbal response. Many people with dyslexia often excel or are gifted in the fields of art, computer science, design, drama, electronics, mathematics, mechanics, music, physics, sales, and sports.

Dyslexia, also known as Alexia or developmental reading disorder, is characterized by difficulty learning to read and a different understanding of language despite normal or above-average intelligence. These include difficulties with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, processing speed, orthographic encoding, auditory short-term memory, language skills, and verbal comprehension or rapid naming. Internationally, dyslexia is referred to as a cognitive disorder related to reading and speaking. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke definition describes it as "difficulty with spelling, phonological processing (manipulating sounds), or rapid visual-verbal response."

There are many Free Dyslexia Tests websites for Children, where you can check and also Identify an effective treatment plan.

Dyslexia symptoms

The signs of dyslexia can be difficult to spot before your child enters school, but some early clues may indicate a problem. Once your child reaches school age, your child's teacher may be the first to notice a problem. Severity varies, but the condition often becomes apparent when a child begins to learn to read.

Before School

Signs that a young child may be at risk for dyslexia include:

  • Late talk

  • Slow learning of new words

  • Problems with forming words correctly, such as reversing the sounds in words or confusing words that sound alike

  • Problems remembering or naming letters, numbers, and colors

  • Difficulty learning nursery rhymes or playing rhyming games


Once your child is in school, symptoms of dyslexia may become more apparent, including:

  • Reading well below the expected level for the age

  • Problems with processing and understanding what is heard

  • Difficulty finding the right word or forming answers to questions

  • Problems remembering the order of things

  • Difficulty seeing (and sometimes hearing) similarities and differences in letters and words

  • Inability to make out the pronunciation of an unknown word

  • Spelling difficulty

  • Spending an unusually long-time completing tasks that involve reading or writing

  • Avoid activities that involve reading

Adolescents and adults

The symptoms of dyslexia in teenagers and adults are very similar to those in children. Some common symptoms of dyslexia in teens and adults include:

  • Difficult reading, including reading aloud

  • Slow and laborious reading and writing

  • Spelling problems

  • Avoid activities that involve reading

  • Mispronunciation of names or words, or problems retrieving words

  • Spending an unusually long-time completing tasks that involve reading or writing

  • The difficulty of summarizing the story

  • Difficulty learning a foreign language

  • Difficult to do math word problems

Types of Dyslexia

1. Phonological dyslexia

  • This is also called dysphonetic or auditory dyslexia.

  • People with this type of dyslexia have difficulty processing the sounds of individual letters and syllables and cannot match them with written shapes.

2. Surface dyslexia

  • This is also called dyseidetic or visual dyslexia.

  • This type of dyslexia is characterized by difficulty recognizing whole words, likely resulting from vision or visual processing problems in the brain.

  • With word recognition problems, these people may have difficulty learning and remembering words.

3. A quick lack of naming

  • It is difficult for humans to quickly and automatically name a letter, number, color, or object. The processing speed is slow, and it takes a long time to name them.

4. Dual deficit dyslexia

  • A person with dual-deficit dyslexia shows deficits in both phonological processing and naming speed. Most of the weakest readers fall into this category.

Early treatment

Children with dyslexia who receive special help in kindergarten, or first grade often improve their reading skills enough to succeed in elementary and middle school.

Children who receive help in later grades may have more difficulty learning the skills needed to read well. They will likely fall behind academically and may never be able to catch up. A child with severe dyslexia may never find reading easy. However, a child can learn skills that improve reading and develop strategies to improve school performance and quality of life.

What parents can do

You play a key role in helping your child succeed. You can do these steps:

  • Solve the problem in time. If you suspect your child has dyslexia, talk to your child's healthcare provider. Early intervention can improve success.

  • Read aloud with your child. It's best to start when your child is young, but it's never too late to start. Introducing books as toys to children promotes fun, learning, and social interaction with caregivers. Read stories to your child. Also, try listening to recorded books with your child. When your child is old enough, read the stories together after your child hears them.

  • Work with your child's school. Talk to the teacher about how the school can help your child succeed. You are your child's best advocate.

  • Encourage reading time. Set aside time every day to read with your child. To improve reading skills, a child must practice reading. Encourage your child to read as skills develop. Also, have your child read aloud to you.

  • Lead by example for reading. Designate a time each day to read something of your own while your child reads - this sets an example and supports your child. Show your child that reading can be enjoyable.

When to visit a doctor

Although most children are ready to learn to read by kindergarten or first grade, children with dyslexia often have trouble learning to read. Talk to your healthcare provider if your child's reading level is lower than expected for your child's age or if you notice other signs of dyslexia.When dyslexia goes undiagnosed and untreated, childhood reading difficulties continue into adulthood.

Tips for Parents

  • Learn as much as you can about autism spectrum disorder

  • Provide consistent structure and routine

  • Connect with other parents of children with autism

  • In case of specific problems, seek professional help

  • Make time for yourself and other family members

Having a child with autism affects the whole family. It can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. It is important to pay attention to the physical and emotional health of the whole family. Geniuslane Child Development Centre provides information, resources, and support to individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families.

For any query related to autism, you can call on +91-7669988833 /


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- Amrin Ahmed


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