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Why Geniuslane

Building Better Brains is our expertise...!

A child's brain develops after birth to eight years of age. This development is influenced by the child's experience and environment.


We have decoded and mastered the algorithm of brain development so children with neurodisability can receive a tailored program that is structured and simple to follow. The program grows with the child to build the brain's foundation of learning skills and promote integration in mainstream education where possible.

India’s first Digitally Automated Early Intervention 


How it works

Step 1

Download our free app to learn how we work and about common neurological difficulties.

Request appointment

Doctor Analyzing X-Rays

Step 3

Does the child need Early Intervention? Assessment by our trained Psychologist on our Geniuslane Software. 

Psychologist for Children

Step 2

Consultation with Specialised Pediatrician for underlying cause and diagnosis.

Nursery School

Step 4

Repeat assessments provide tailored program to build brains' foundation skills with an aim to discharge to schools.

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How to download Geniuslane App

Yes, it's completely free to download. 

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Client Reviews

Traditional Saree

Genius lane is one of the best places I came across for pediatric treatment for my child. My child is getting better and I feel extremely lucky to be in such able hands. I find the visible result in my child and I recommend the place for disorders related to pediatric neurology.


Home program videos helped us a lot to reduce anxiety in my child. Also improved my understanding of child behavior.

Parent of a child with Autism

Nikhat Akhtar


Genius lane is one of the best place i came across for pediatric treatment for my child. My child is getting better and I feel extremely lucky to be in such able hands. I find visible result in my child and I recommend the place for disorders related to pediatric neurology.

Naresh Srivastava


My child is attending center for last 6 months. Its a amazing place for autism treatment. Dr. Is very cooperative and explains the issues in very detail. Staff at center are good and caring. Dr Rahul is available for group meetings every sunday, and provides solution to parents queries and anxieties. I have never seen such a dedicated doctor at our service anywhere else. Wish him success for his mission against autism .

Shivani Vij


Dr Rahul is one of the best Paediatric Neurologist in India. I am thankful to God that I found Geniuslane for my child's treatment. My son is getting better day by day and i am sure he will be perfect soon as he is in right hands. Thank you team Genius lane and keep it up 👍

Radha Agarwal


I am taking my child to this center since last one & half year my child is autistic.i observed drastic change in my child.he was having so many sensory issues with no communication all these problems get resolved here. he started communicating, understanding &Education also get improved.The techniques n protocols of Dr rahul r very scientific & advanced.i m as a mother satisfied with d center.I m thankful to Dr rahul & his entire team 4 their incredible work .

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