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Child at Psychologist

About Geniuslane

We make Early Intervention for Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Dyslexia, Intellectual Disability, and others accessible to those who need it.

By pairing Pediatricians and Psychologists with innovative technology, we have completed our pilot project delivering the Early Intervention in 2018. We serve children from across India and have reduced medication in 90% of children in outpatient settings.


Digitally delivered early intervention increased compliance (73.41% of patients coming for one year or more), and Early Years Foundation Skills in children. It provides a low-cost, high-efficacy digital platform to address parental anxiety and improve children’s EYFS.


Our vision is to provide early intervention near home to all children. We plan to open one hundred Geniuslane Early Intervention Centre by 2025. This model is also spreading internationally by providing services in the United Kingdom from 2022. 

Our Story.

Geniuslane was born with the idea to support every child from 3 months of age to 8 years who face challenges in their day-to-day life due to neurological problems. Geniuslane was first started in Lucknow in the year 2014 as a pilot project to understand the barriers to early intervention.


And to develop digital solutions which can be replicated in every Indian city so children and families can get help near their homes. Geniuslane firmly believes in and practices the play-to-learn methodology. They disregard therapies for children and in turn, they focus on play to learn methods that act more natural and are beneficial for children.

Taking a family and child centred approach

Online Meeting

Navigating early intervention

for Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, and others can be challenging for the entire family.

At Geniuslane, we address parental understanding, and expectations about their child's diagnosis by providing them with an individualized app. We understand that every child has different needs and every family has a different dynamic structure. 


Our unique algorithm identifies families who need more support which we provide through a structured program delivered by a trained Psychologist supported by a Pediatrician. We have found better outcome in families with lower parental stress index and where child's needs, and feelings are addressed according to their mental age. 

Our Leadership Team


Dr Rahul Bharat


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Dr Uzaina

Head of Research

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Ms. Megha Saran

Head of Finance

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Our History

Why we developed a Digital Early Years Solution?

In 2014, Geniuslane was first established in Lucknow by Dr. Rahul Bharat. 

A problem that was worth Solving: 1 in 10 Children struggle in Mainstream Education. This causes a lot of pressure on children, their families, and the schools. There were no programs in Lucknow to address this need.


Understanding and Estimation of problem: We performed many surveys, and spoke with Schools and Paediatricians between 2014 to 2018.


We found the following problems:​

Lack of Proper Assessment

Lack of proper assessment and diagnosis for these children.


The Pediatricians were not trained and there was a lack of specialists like Paediatric Neurologist. The Paediatrician was also very busy with Acute work.

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Increased Parental Stress and Poor Outcome

Lack of support from Schools increased stress on the parents. This intensified poor outcomes in children.

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Therapy Centres

We found that Parents relied on the therapy center. Most therapy centers did not tailor interventions based on diagnosis and long-term outcomes.


For example, in Autism the approach was to improve speech. But they referred to Occupational for sensory therapy to reduce hyperactivity. When that deteriorated behavior of the child Behaviour psychologist was sought.

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Lack of Specialist Support for Children and Families

The schools were not able to cater to these children’s needs. There were counselors in every school but they were not supported by trained Paediatricians.


There were no Early intervention centers or plans to integrate them into mainstream schools. These children were excluded.

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Specialist School 

Specialist School: We found that specialist schools were not supported by trained Pediatricians.


Diagnosis and further profiling were not used as a base to plan tailored education. We did not find plans to include parents as partners in improving the outcome for Children.

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Poor Compliance among Parents

We were given feedback that Parents moved from one center to another and completed therapies years later to find that their children were anxious and obsessive.


Long-term outcomes were not recorded by them and short-term outcomes were counted as results.

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How Effective are Geniuslane Consultations?

  • Our results indicate that we have successfully identified diagnoses in 90% of Children presented to us.

  • In 30% of the children, we have improved outcomes by stopping unnecessary medicine.

  • Children with Epilepsy had a good outcome after consultation. Our approach is to determine if they had Epilepsy in the first place and if they need medicine. We have stopped medicine in a lot of Children with our approach to improving outcomes.

  • We only do the relevant tests in the evaluation of the diagnoses.

  • Outpatients have an average cost saving up to an average of Rs. 10000 after our consultation.

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